Lee Pophal believes; in students, in improvisation, and in his work. Lee’s intuitive understanding of the philosophy of improvisation goes well beyond his classroom instruction. Although his lessons are well-crafted to demonstrate concepts such as Chivalry & Support, Top of Intelligence, Presence, Active Agreement and Active Listening in the context of musical improv theater, Lee ‘walks the talk’ by adjusting and shifting the work to balance the needs of each individual student and the needs of the class as a whole. No student of Lee’s ever leaves a class believing they cannot do musical improvisation – because Lee believes they CAN.
— Curt Mabry, Founder of Zmack Improv Family (Shanghai/Bangkok)

Musical Improvisation Workshop Presenter

Topics Include:

Melodic Generation, Improvisation, and Phrasing

Integration of Music in Long Forms

Short Form Improv Games

Understanding Genres

Singing Technique

Vocal Warm-Ups


‘A game-changing workshop’
It was our pleasure to have Lee teach his ‘Introduction to Musical Improv Theatre’ workshop as part of Belfast Improv Festival 2018. Even the most complex musical structures became intuitive thanks to Lee’s direction, and his inclusive style of teaching helped build a strong group rapport. Workshop participants rated it enjoyable, rigorous, and game-changing in equal measure!
— Paul Mone, Festival Director, Belfast Improv Festival

music director in performance

Julien and Curt, with Emily as a +1, performing an improvised song from the long form act of the Zmack 7th Anniversary Show, accompanied by Lee Pophal